Commercial, Mixed-Use and Strata Roof Maintenance in Vancouver, B.C.

Can You Walk On A Metal Roof? (7 Things to Remember)

Can You Walk On A Metal Roof? (7 Things to Remember)

The other day, while installing a metal roof. The homeowner asked me, whether it was okay to walk on the metal roof. My immediate reply was, NO! We never recommend property owners to walk on their roofs. Purely for safety reasons.

However, after giving it a deeper thought. I concluded that you CAN walk on a metal roof. Sometimes it is inevitable, and you have to get on your roof.

Here are a few factors to consider before stepping on your metal roof when you absolutely have to.

Can You Walk On A Metal Roof?

YES! You can walk on your metal roof. But is it a wise choice..?

Maybe not!

However, we all face circumstances when we have to climb on our metal roofs. It’s not always feasible to contact a roofing professional. Especially, if it’s something as trivial as getting a small dead branch off your roof, or clearing a bird’s nest.

Earlier, it was believed that walking on a metal roof causes severe damage. However, metal roofs are considered to be one of the most durable roofing systems. They can sustain extreme weather and last for decades with proper care and maintenance.

Here are 5 Reasons To Book Regular Roofing Maintenance.

7 Tips to walk on a Metal Roof.

If you ever need to walk on your metal roof, take care of these seven things. To avoid damaging your metal roofing system.

#1 Check What The Manufacturer Has To Say.

When you install any type of roof. The manufacturer often offers some guidelines to care for and maintain the roofing system.

Specifically, if you plan on maintaining the metal roof yourself. With occasional professional assistance. You should ask your manufacturer, about the recommended method to walk on your specific metal roof.

A manufacturer or roof installer is the best person to answer this question.

#2 Wear The Correct Foot Wear.

No, you cannot wear your cowboy boots, flip-flops or trainers to walk on a metal roof.

Footwears play an important role in your safety on any type of roof, let alone to walk on a metal roof. Metal surfaces can get slippery, even after a light rain shower. And a metal roof is no exception to this.

Wear soft-soled shoes, as it gives you grip and adherence on the metal while walking. Wearing heavy foot ware might dent or damage your roof. Rubber boots are the best choice. As they have the grip you need, along with being lightweight.

Never wear open-toed shoes while working on your roof, as you may harm your toes.

#3 Pick The Right Day.

You do not decide when to get to walk on a metal roof, the weather does!

Yes! The weather needs to be taken into consideration before you schedule roof work.

The metal roof is too slippery when it rains. And a hot grill on a sunny day. It’s hardly possible and highly unsafe to step on it on either of these days.

An ideal day would be dry but cloudy. To eliminate the risk of sunburns and slipping.

Check the weather forecast in advance, to choose the perfect day to work on a metal roof.

#4 Use Protective Gear.

According to an international report published in 2019, almost 5,333 people die by falling off the roof while on a job. 

Never take your safety lightly, even if you are stepping on the roof for a couple of minutes. Especially, on a metal roof. As it has sharp edges, protruding screws and offers almost no grip for ordinary shoes.

Using fall equipment is compulsory. The basics include a ladder, harnesses, rubber boots, ropes and, gloves. Any other gear you deem necessary should also be used.

Remember to follow all the safety guidelines. Check if all the equipment fits you properly. Your safety should always be your primary priority.

#5 Be Careful With The Tools.

Homeowners often cause more damage to the roof under the guise of DIY repairs.

So, if you climb your roof with tools to repair it. Make sure you know how to handle and precisely use your tools.

It’s best to carry lightweight tools and use a tool belt to avoid dropping them. Heavy-duty tools may fall and impair the metal panels.

So be careful while making each move on your metal roof.

#6 Mind Your Step.

Metal roofs may be sturdy, but they are in no way designed for a walk in the park.

Walk carefully and extremely slowly on your metal roof. Lean your body over the roof or slightly crouch down to maintain balance.

Walk on the areas that are closer to decking and avoid laps and ribs. This is a solid area to walk on and will decrease the chances of panel damage.

#7 The Professionals Are Just One Call Away.

No one can manage a roof better than a roofing professional. Be it repair, maintenance, cleaning or replacement.

If you lack the experience, the equipment or the confidence to walk on a metal roof. Calling in a professional contractor is the best solution.

Do not try unnecessary DIY solutions and compromise your safety. Instead, get professional help.


What is the lifespan of a metal roof?

A metal roof lasts for about 40-60 years with good care and regular maintenance. Some types of metal roofs last even longer.

Do metal roofs leak?

Yes! Just like all other types of roofs, metal roofs leak too. Incorrect installations, lack of maintenance or age could be some of the reasons that lead to leaks. However, the chances of leakage in a good-conditioned metal roof are extremely low.

Are there different types of metal roofs?

Zinc, Steel, Copper, Aluminum and Tin are the major 5 types of metal roofs. With more subtypes.

What are the advantages of a metal roof?

Durability, safety, and longevity are some of the advantages of metal roofs.

Does metal attract lightning?

No! Metal roofs do not attract lightning. On the contrary metal roofing system is better at managing lightning striking, making it less dangerous.


Next time when you plan to walk on a metal roof, I hope all these tips will be at the forefront of your mind. If you still have any questions or even if you would like to add to the above information. Feel free to comment down below. And if you are looking for a good roofing contractor near your home.

Leak Stop is a one-stop destination to meet your roofing-related requirements. We offer roof repair, replacement, maintenance, and inspection services all over GVRD (Greater Vancouver Regional District).

We offer a free inspection to first-time clients. Connect with us TODAY at 1 866 777 0084 for immediate assistance!

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